AV LINE - Proudly Australian made!
We promote the popular Australian produced AV LINE of quality performance auto paint, includes the well- known full range as follows;
- AV LINE 424 - 2k 4:1 HI Fill Primer Grey (easy sand- no sink back)
- AV LINE 421 - 2k 4:1 Hi Fill Extra Fast Drying Primer Grey
- AV LINE 403 1k Non -Sanding Primer
- AV LINE 451 1K PP (Plastic Primer)
- AV LINE 402 1K Acrylic Primer Filler (great for rub-throughs)
- AV LINE 311 RFU Mid Coat Adhesion Promoter
- AV LINE 340 1K Acrylic Lacquer Clearcoat
- AV LINE 3220 2k FASTFLO 4:1 Rapid Air Dry Clearcoat (amazing flowability, speed & gloss)
- AV LINE 3221 2k HS 2:1 High Solid Clear Coat (true HS clear to match any European HS)
- AV LINE 3215 2k MS 2:1 Clear Coat (for traditional painters for that all over booth spray job)
- AV LINE 3216 2k MS 2:1 Clear Coat (for high production, quick bake booth spraying)
- AL LINE Reducers including - 2K & Basecoat s (winter & summer grades)
- AV LINE Wax & Grease Remover
- AV LINE PS101 HD Gun Cleaner
- AV LINE PS103 Paint Stripper
- AV LINE 3210 2H I-THANE 2:1 – (commercial high solid 2k booth finish for truck fleet work)
Discuss your requirements anytime with Brian on Mob: 0404 434610. We offer consistently reliable, expert service to all …